Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Microsoft Acquires Tellme

Microsoft announced the acquisition of Tellme. The Price, previously rumored in the $800 million range, is undisclosed.
This is an interesting development and continues to show the consolidation in this space (Nuance snapped up BeVocal
and Genesys Lab/Alcatel-Lucent snapped up VoiceGenie). Some of the big companies are realizing that the phone has much more penetration than computers and with cell phones there use is ubitquitous.
Tellme has done some interesting things recently with cell phones blurring the lines between voice user interfaces and visual user interfaces.
Also Microsoft can use Tell Me to do the same thing as with Live Local.
Now are there more acquisitions ahead from the likes of Google who certainly don't want to miss the boat. In fact at the moment Google is falling further and further behind Microsoft and Yahoo (who seem to be leading the charge in this area).


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