The VXML, CCXML Great Divide, oops I mean Great Collide
So in a prior post I went through some of the great pains when trying to get CCXML and VXML to play nicely together. Well I have news from a reliable source that this pain is to soon be a thing of the past, at least on the Voxeo platform.
Voxeo have taken great strides in this area and will soon be introducing some great new features that will certainly make my life a lot easier.
Soon you will be able to transparently move data from CCXML to VXML and back again transparently. With the use of JSON; complex scripted objects (arrays, structures, etc) will be able to be passed and the arbitrary size limits of these data structures will be removed. What does this mean to the developer? Well a lot in fact. Now voice applications will seamlessly be able to incorporate all the features of CCXML and VXML . In fact the seam is going to be so tight that as a developer you can more or less consider them one. Ah, the complete control of call and dialog. The voice application holy grail has been found.
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