Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Where's the voice in VXML

So an interesting requirement popped up recently and I was somewhat surprised that the VXML specification did not cover it. Why can't I record the utterance made within a field?

Say I want to store the result of a field in both a text and audio format, there is no way to do this right now. As anyone knows speech recognition can be patchy at times, wouldn't it be nice to compare the interpretaion to the actual utterance?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Compliant, half pregnant?

So here we go again. I just read some of the details on the "The Motorola VoxGateway", available at So the very first line reads "The VoxGateway is Motorola's highly compliant implementation of the W3C VoiceXML 2.0 voice markup language. "

What does "highly compliant" mean? Isn't this like saying I'm half pregnant. When will these people realize you are either compliant or you are not! I'm just sick to death of coding around the non-compliant pieces. Why can't we have a compliant browser, here's a hint, visit The standard is there, although as a work mate tells me you have to put on your lawyer hat to decipher it.


Greetings to all that find my blog. Let me introduce myself and then describe the purpose of this blog. My name is Brian O'Connor, and I work at a company called Silverlink. This is the introduction that is presented on the Silverlink corporate website....

Silverlink is the leader in personalized voice solutions for client communication. Focused on the healthcare market, Silverlink enables enterprises to easily create and manage voice interactions with thousands of customers at a time. Silverlink drastically reduces the cost of communicating with clients while improving financial results and customer care.

As one of the original members of the team that started Silverlink it has been my priviledge to watch a company grow from nothing into what is now perceived as a market and technology leader. I'm the technology guy, not the market guy. During this sometimes difficult journey, my experience with VXML, CCXML and other various voice technologies has been sometimes more difficult than the building of the company itself.

Why is this, and why does it have to be that way. While sometimes the issues have been around the implementation of a standard, sometimes the standard itself has been confusing. This blog's purpose is to describe some of the CCXML, VXML, and SALT idiosyncrasies and for others to comment on their experiences. At the same time, if others have had some difficulties with the language and wish to have some answers then don't be afraid to ask them here.

Have you something to say about voice technologies, then let me know. Members are always welcome, and contributors are always appreciated.